Requirement to unlock: Construct 3 Elementary Schools, 3 High Schools and 3 Universities.
From here, you can see how many children are elegible (if too low then build more houses) and how many your already bult schools can facilitate (if lower than 5,000 build more elementary schools). From here, select Education on the left side (icon of an open book), and tab to Elementary. You can check your education stats by holding in game and selecting Info Views. Requirement to unlock: 5,000 children in elementary schools. Simply build 7 universities in your city and keep them running for 10 weeks. Requirement to unlock: Construct 7 universities and maintain them for 10 weeks. There is also an Education Boost policy under Services on the City Policies page that will increase your education budget by 25%.

Requirement to unlock: Weekly education expenses at least 20,000 for 10 weeks.īuilding schools and universities will increase your education expenses. NOTE: some policies, if enforced, may alter the tax rate after the fact so be careful. Tax rates can be changed by holding and selecting Economy, then choosing the Taxes tab to change the tax rate for each building type. Requirement to unlock: All tax rates must be no greater than 4% for 20 consecutive weeks. Requirement to unlock: City money must reach -1.

The total price to build all of these unique bulidings and monument is 1.21million, excluding required objectives which may vary depending on your city. The unique buildings and their requirements are as followed: Once you have unlocked the ability to build monuments, the Hadron Collider requires six unique bulidings to be built in your city that each have their own objective to unlock them. The Heavenly City achievement in Cities: Skylines worth 99 points Unlock Monuments